St. Joseph's Primary School
About Our School
Our Vision
Our vision is that St Joseph's is a school at the heart of the community and that community is at the heart of the school.
As a small, rural primary school we are very fortunate to be fully immersed into life in our community. We strive to establish strong links with all the various clubs and associations connected to the parish of Strangford & Kilclief.
The partnership between school, home and parish is paramount to our success as a school connected to its community.
Mission Statement
In St Joseph’s Primary School we aim to provide a safe, caring, happy and stimulating environment for each and every one of the children in our care. We set very high yet realistic expectations for all our pupils and we encourage them to work hard and achieve their full potential.
Our parents are key partners in laying the foundations for future learning in our school. As a Catholic school the Board of Governors and Staff are firmly committed to promoting the spiritual, moral, academic, social, physical, and aesthetic development of all our children.
Since opening in 1964, our pupils have enjoyed success not only academically but also in a wide range of other areas. Our children are encouraged and challenged to explore their interests and strengths in a warm and friendly atmosphere.
School Aims
In St. Joseph's, we aim to:
Implement all aspects of the Northern Ireland Curriculum.
Create a safe, enjoyable learning environment where effective learning is facilitated and quality teaching is provided.
Promote an environment where every child’s learning is developed within the context of their individual needs and attributes through a broad and balanced curriculum.
Help our pupils to develop a positive attitude towards school and a love of learning.
Value, respect and nurture every child in our care.
Encourage pupils to respect themselves and others and to support and care for one another.
Equip our children with the necessary life skills to enable them to
participate in a fast changing society.
Develop and strengthen each pupil’s understanding and love of Catholic values by promoting the Catholic ethos throughout the school.
Involve the parents, Board of Governors and wider community in the life of the school.