St. Joseph's Primary School
For a full copy of The Northern Ireland Revised Curriculum please visit
In St Joseph's, we strive to ensure every child in our care reaches his/her full potential. We tailor our teaching styles to cater for the needs of all our learners and differentiate lesson content by both task and outcome.
The Make up of the Primary Stages:
The Foundation Stage: Years 1 and 2
Key Stage 1: Years 3 and 4
Key Stage 2: Years 5, 6 and 7
The six areas of learning:
Language and Literacy (including Talking and Listening, Reading and Writing; schools are also encouraged to teach additional languages);
Mathematics and Numeracy (focusing on the development of mathematical concepts and numeracy across the curriculum);
The Arts (including Art and Design, Drama and Music);
The World Around Us (focusing on the development of knowledge, skills and understanding in Geography, History and Science and Technology);
Personal Development and Mutual Understanding (focusing on emotional development, social skills, learning to learn, health, relationships and sexuality education and mutual understanding in the local and global community);
Physical Education (focusing on the development of knowledge, skills and understanding through play and a range of physical activities).